Bytebase officially supports the following major versions for each supported database engine:
MySQL, Aurora MySQL - 5.7 and above
PostgreSQL, Aurora PostgreSQL, AlloyDB - 12.0 and above
TiDB - 5.0 and above
ClickHouse - 21.0 and above
MongoDB - 4.0 and above
Redis - 6.0 and above
Oracle - 11g and above
Microsoft SQL Server - 2019 and above
MariaDB - 10.7 and above
OceanBase - 3.x and above, MySQL tenant
RisingWave - 1.x and above
Bytebase usually works fine with older database versions, we just won't support features specific to those older versions. We may add other open source databases in the future.
Bytebase is trailblazing the schema management landscape. Each database engine requires non-trivial investment. If you are looking for a feature not supported in your database, please contact us.