Batch Change with Database Group

Estimated: 15 mins
Batch Change with Database Group

Bytebase 2.2.0 introduced database group, a new feature that provides a new way to facilitate batch change, in addition to batch changing multiple environments and multiple tenants.


As data grows, databases and tables maybe partitioned into smaller chucks. Meanwhile, you still want to apply the same database change to all partitions since they share the same schema. It's painful and error-prone to make sure a database change is consistently applied to each partition.

You can use Database Group to model those database partitions and change them in a consistent way.


This tutorial requires Docker to be installed.

Step 1 - Start Bytebase and MySQL

  1. Make sure your Docker daemon is running. Copy and paste the commands to start one Bytebase and two MySQL instances via Docker.
docker run --init \
  --name bytebase \
  --restart always \
  --publish 5678:8080 \
  --health-cmd "curl --fail http://localhost:8080/healthz || exit 1" \
  --health-interval 5m \
  --health-timeout 10s \
  --volume ~/.bytebase/data:/var/opt/bytebase \
  bytebase/bytebase:2.11.1 \
  --data /var/opt/bytebase \
  --port 8080
docker run --name mysqldtest \
  --publish 3307:3306 \
  -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=testpwd1 \
docker run --name mysqldprod \
  --publish 3308:3306 \
  -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=testpwd1 \

Step 2 - Prepare the Console

  1. Register and sign in Bytebase Console via localhost:5678. Click Add Instance to add two instances in two environments respectively.

    • Host or Socket: host.docker.internal | Port: 3307/3308
    • Environment: Test/Prod
    • Username: root | Password:testpwd1
  2. Create project Group Demo as Name, GD as Key Batch Mode as Mode and click Create. Here you need to upgrade to Enterprise Plan with 14 days trial period. bb-create-project-upgrade

  3. Within the project, click Create DB to create eight databases as follows:

    • demo_db_test in Test environment and it will run automatically. Because by default, issue in Test environment will rollout automatically;
    • demo_db_prod_asia in Prod environment and click Rollout;
    • demo_db_prod_europe in Prod environment and click Rollout;
    • demo_db_prod_africa in Prod environment and click Rollout;
    • demo_db_prod_australia in Prod environment and click Rollout;
    • demo_db_prod_north_america in Prod environment and click Rollout;
    • demo_db_prod_south_america in Prod environment and click Rollout;
    • demo_db_prod_antarctica in Prod environment and click Rollout.

Step 3 - Group Databases and Create Tables in Batch

  1. Within the project Group Demo, click Database Groups tab, and click New database group. Fill in the form as follows:

    • Name: demo-all | Environment: Prod
    • Condition: Where Database name startsWith demo_db_prod bb-new-db-group-demo-all You may create other database group such as:
    • Name: demo-human | Environment: Prod
    • Condition: Where Database name startsWith demo_db_prod and Database name != demo_db_prod_antarctica bb-new-db-group-demo-human
  2. Within the project, click Alter Schema. Choose Manual Selection > Database Group > demo-all, and click Next. Copy and paste the SQL below and click Create.

  3. On the issue page, click the down arrow and choose Rollout to run one database first. If it's OK, then click Rollout current stage to run all. bb-issue-7-db-t1 bb-issue-7-db-t1-one-db-passed

  4. Repeat 2 to 3 to create another issue for another table t2:


Step 4 - Group Tables and Alter tables in Batch

  1. Within the project Group Demo, click Database Groups tab, and click New table group. Fill in the form as follows:

    • Database Group: demo-all | Environment: Prod | Name: demo-all-t
    • Condition: Where Table name startsWith t bb-new-table-group-t
  2. Click New table group again. Fill in the form as follows:

    • Database Group: demo-all | Environment: Prod | Name: demo-all-t1
    • Condition: Where Table name == t1
  3. Within the project, click Alter Schema. Choose Manual Selection > Database Group > demo-all, and click Next. You'll see the following field. bb-table-alter-schema-t1-t

  4. Here we choose demoall_t which includes t1 and t2. Uncomment the last line, replace it with the SQL below and click Create.

  5. On the issue page, click the down arrow and choose Rollout to run one database first. If it's OK, then click Rollout current stage to run all. bb-issue-14-alter-schema


Now you have learned how to use database group and table group to run batch changes in Bytebase. Bytebase also provides other ways to batch change databases across multiple environments, SaaS tenants. Please refer to Batch Change for more details.

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